Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Leadership Vision - A Critical Personality Trait for true leaders

Fun & Info @ Keralites.net

The young boy asked theold man, "why a fast running horse is better than the slow running horse"? The old man said, "it has developed the habit to produce more power so that it can run up to ten times faster than the slow horse" The youngster said, "and what if the horse is running in the wrong direction"? The old man smiled and said, "then definitely it has the factor to waste his efforts ten times quicker than the slower horse" The young man said, " and what if other horses are following him too" The older man said, "off course it will mislead all those horses too!" Then why all other horses follow the faster one Because it attracts them but all that glitters is not gold.

Associating this analogy with our daily life, you observe that you are surrounded by mixture of slow and fast pace personalities. Some of them are really genuine leaders and some of them are being followed blindly. Overall, here is the summary of the concept which I suggest you to ponder:

1- If you have a slow attitude towards life (slow running horse) then you must develop the habit to produce more power in your character. You must be aware of your real goals.You must develop analytical skills, Empowered Relationships, Proactive approach and other personality traits you can see at the end of this article.

2- If you have a faster response to life and quick decision making (like the fast running horse) then you must audit yourself on whether you are heading in the right direction? Not having clear goal will take you nowhere regardless of your speed and efficiency. Remember, Only hard work doesnt guarantee the success. You have a huge responsibility if you are being followed by others.

3- Are you following a leader? Are you sure you have a true leader? Areyou sureyou willnot end upon the blocked road? Remember, U-turns are always possible before the dead end but consequences of U-turnwill be more harsh if you dont evaluate the situations on time and delay it to the eleventh hour.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

How battles are won and lost in the shopper's trolley!

First, a factoid. More than half of all brand selections are done at the store, and more than 40 % purchases are unplanned. Welcome to the brand battleground. Store visits are critical to get a first-hand feel of how one's target consumers behave as shoppers in different channels and formats.

During my visits to Big Bazaar stores, I observe closely the shelf display, visual merchandising, supply fulfillment from our vendor-partners, promotion execution, price communication and checkout efficiency. Of course there are visits to distribution centres as well as consumers' homes to check out what's occupying prime space in refrigerators. But one needs a trained eye to catch the insights and then act on it.

Indians like to save for rainy days, so the consumption rate is always lower than their income. We focus obsessively on the retail 'shop-floor', continuously evaluating our plans and adding consumption upping activities on a regular basis. In my view, the propensity to shop way beyond the planned purchase is fuelled by in-store theatrics. The store layout provides for infinite browsing. The customer is always prone to respond to the retailer's engagements.

While on store rounds, by simply planting myself amongst the customers on the floor, I gather numerous insights. A conversation here and a 'hello' there go a long way. While these conversations typically centre around analysis of various offers and new products on display, many demandcreating ideas have actually come up while interacting with customers. In one such case, a mother's concern with the hazards of a glass ketchup bottle that her kid found very difficult to handle led to the design, development and launch of our private brand ketchup in flexible pouches. Not only was it cost-effective but the children found it much more convenient. Another interesting insight into drinking soup from a mug at home rather than soup bowls led us to the launch an instant soups private brand with a promotion campaign that said 'Ab Soup ka maza mug mein' - which we promoted by giving a large mug with soup packs.

Since it is important to connect communities to stores, the direct feedback one takes from the store helps keep assortment relevant. Insights come when you walk around and notice shopping patterns. For example, a Malayalee consumer in Delhi wants his Red Matta rice, and a Bengali consumer in Mumbai will hunt for his favourite kasundi. These are just a few learnings

Bollywood or business: Shah Rukh Khan's unique philosophy of success

As we are ushered into the 24th floor suite at a posh Bandra hotel, the Badshah of Bollywood greets us warmly, the ever-present cigarette smouldering in one hand. As his aides buzz around to get him a sandwich, Shah Rukh 'King' Khan strolls to the sea-facing window and muses aloud, "Too bad Sea Rock hotel is gone. I'd always dreamt of buying it during my struggler days."

Staring far into the sea, watching the waves splash around, it looks as if he is trying to relive those frustrating days of sitting on Bandra's bandstand with nothing more than just a dream. But with success, SRK's dreams have only gotten bigger.

Circa 2012, he is not only the biggest star in Bollywood, but also owner of the IPL-winning Kolkata Knightrider team, and promoter of Red ChilliesEntertainment and Red Chillies VFX. SRK, who has been retained by TAG Heuer as brand ambassador for the 9th year, discusses his unique philosophy of success. Edited excerpts:

So what drives you — a higher goal, insecurity or success itself?

You know, I delivered a speech on success for Young President's Organisation a few years ago. Success is an extremely strange thing. It has two elements. First, it cannot be passed on, however much you try, whether you are a CEO of a company, or a parent. And the second thing about it is that the successful person actually actually does not know why he or she is successful. Of course, you can always say things like: the more I practice, the easier it becomes, etc. People get cagey trying to explain the reason for success and they hide behind big words. Someone asked Warren Buffet, how he was so successful in his investments. Buffet said: 'I take the right decisions'. The person asked: 'And how do you take right decisions?' He replies: 'Experience'. He was further asked: 'How do you get experience?'

Buffet said: 'By making the wrong decisions'. So even Warren Buffet cannot explain the reason for success — no one can. So when you ask me what drives me, it's really none of the five top things: profit, fame, the quest for excellence and perfection, wanting to do better than I did last time, or just because this is what I do. I think it is something as basic as, feeling good about what you do. And then everything stems from it. Whenever I've felt good doing something, it has always been successful. I felt good about getting into cricket. Fine, it wasn't successfully immediately.

People criticise you because their analysis of your success from exterior forces is based on the five peripherals. And I explain that yes, I lost money on RaOne but it feels good, and I will make it again. I could not have done RaOne 20 years back, but now I can afford to do it, and lose a bit of money if I need to, as long as it felt right. Of course I am in a lot of businesses now. Some of those things I do not feel good about, so I don't like to do them, but once I feel good about my core business, I go for it.

You have created an ecosystem of success around you, right producers, right directors, right co-star's etc. Do you owe your success to this ecosystem, or was it because of your success that you were able to make those choices?

Actually, most of the work I have done is with first or second-time directors — Farah Khan, Shimit Amin, Rajiv Mehra, Aziz Mirza, Kundan Shah — and it felt good to work with them. The new actors I work with, like Anushka, Katrina, Priyanka, Deepika, etc. get very surprised, because I don't interfere in the script or change this song and that scene. My philosophy is, don't fix it if it ain't broke. Any amount of fixing won't work if it was going to go bad anyway. So there is a huge amount of instinct.

I believe your first instinct will never go wrong. Like my new film with Rohit Shetty. He came to narrate a film to me two years ago through some mutual business friends. The film is called Chennai Express and I said yes, I will do this film. Even with Munnabhai, which I didn't do eventually because of my surgery...I'd said yes to it. When Raju (Hirani) came to me, I was shooting the climax scene in Devdas. As we were chatting, he said, 'I have got a film, it is called Munnabhai MBBS'. And after hearing the title, I said I am doing it. Raju asked me if I was joking. I said no, I am doing this, finished. I do not want to hear anything. Sometimes instinct works and sometimes it goes wholesomely wrong.

Did being an outsider in the industry help you break rules more often?

Actually it doesn't and it does. I do not get the feedback that industry people get, because I am still an outsider. But I am very proud of it. I did not know how to be a hero and have not been groomed by my senior colleagues. I find it a little wrong when people assume my son will become an actor. Why? He will get a good education and then decide what he wants. I would love it if he became one, because I would be able to at least have a conversation. If they become economists, I may not.

But my logic is that because I was not groomed by people as to how a hero should be, I did atypical films. People turn around after 20 years and say, oh he is a romantic hero, he only works in these kind of films. But if I look back at my 72 films, there's a lot of different commercially viable films I've done. I can do a hockey film with 13-15 girls (Chak De India). If I was an insider, I would think, there is no hero-heroine or song — now, all those considerations do not come in my head.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

10 Money Lessons from Billionaires

1. Oprah Winfrey, net worth of $2.7 billion

"You become what you believe. You are where you are today in your life based on everything you have believed." First and foremost, you have to believe that greatness is possible. Many of the world's billionaires have shifted the way our world works, because they believed that they were capable of doing something that was previously impossible. Change is possible. Greatness is possible. But you can't do anything unless you first believe in yourself.

2. Pierre Omidyar, net worth of $6.7 billion

"What we say here every day is that our success is really based on our members' success, our community's success."Your success is directly tied to how much you do for others. It's not what you know. It's not who you know. It's what you do for who you know. Success follows generosity.

3. Karl Albrecht, net worth of $25.4 billion.

"The typical human life seems to be quite unplanned, undirected, unlived, and unsavored. Only those who consciously think about the adventure of living as a matter of making choices among options, which they have found for themselves, ever establish real self-control and live their lives fully."Everything you do (or choose not to do) is a choice. Most of us think that life happens to us, but in reality life is something that we choose either by actively pursuing options and creating our own circumstances, or by blocking opportunities and limiting our beliefs of what is possible. You can choose the type of life you want to live.

4. Mukesh Ambani, net worth of $22.3 billion

"I think that our fundamental belief is that for us growth is a way of life and we have to grow at all times."Success is not an event--it's a process. Billionaires embody that process better than most of us. They are on a constant quest to improve, enhance, and outperform themselves. It's a constant, internal drive to become a better person.

5. Bloomberg, net worth of $22 billion.

"Getting the job done has been the basis for the success my company has achieved."Billionaires have grit and perseverance. Top performers work hard at hard things. And that means that successful people do the things that most people don't want to do, and that's why they get the job done.

6. Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud, net worth of $18 billion.

"If I'm going to do something, I do it spectacularly or I don't do it at all."Developing a world-class skill means that you have the capability to ignore everything else. You have to be able to focus on doing an incredible job or on ignoring it completely. Greatness doesn't come from simply "putting the time in" ... you have to put the time in with effort, energy, and resolve.

7. Michael Dell, net worth of $15.9 billion

"It's through curiosity and looking at opportunities in new ways that we've always mapped our path at Dell. There's always an opportunity to make a difference." Take a look at any market-leading company. Are they compromising on their product in one way or another? That's an opportunity for disruption, growth, and change. Any unmet need, any annoying problem, any half-baked solution offers a chance to change things.

8. Charles Koch, net worth of $25 billion

"The role of business is to produce goods and services that make people's lives better."If your only goal is to become rich, then you're going to have trouble meeting your goal. However, if your focus is on making people's lives better, then you'll find that success comes much more quickly.

9. Carnegie, net worth of $298.3 billion

"No person will make a great business who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit."Success unshared is failure. Our connections with other people are what give our work meaning. The things we do will only matter if they are shared with others.

10. Tony Hsieh, net worth of $840 million. 

"The ultimate definition of success is: you could lose everything that you have and truly be okay with it. Your happiness isn't based on external factors."So often, we push happiness out on the horizon of life. "Once I get this job, I'll be happy." Or, "If only I landed that promotion, then everything would be good." Of course, life doesn't work that way, and there is always another goal once we reach our previous idea of happiness. Money is important, but your life should never be built around it. Happiness comes before success, not after it.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Amazing Facts About India

1.India is the world's largest, oldest, continuous civilization.
2.India is the world's Largest democracy.
3.India never invaded any country in her last 1000 years of history.
4.India invented the number system. Zero was invented by Aryabhatta.
5.When many cultures were only nomadic forest dwellers over 5000 years ago, Indians established Harappan culture in Sindhu Valley (Indus Valley Civilization)
6.There are 300,000 active mosques in India , more than in any other country, including the Muslim world
7.Chess (Shataranja or AshtaPada) was invented in India.
8.India is one of the few countries in the world, which gain independence without violence.
9.India has the second largest pool of Scientist and Engineers in the World.
10.India is the largest English speaking nation in the world.
11.India is the only country other than US and Japan, to have built a super computer indeigenously.
12.India has the largest number of Post Offices in the world
13.The largest employer in the world is the Indian Railways , employing over a million people
14.India was one of the richest countries till the time of British rule in the early 17th Century. Christopher Columbus, attracted by India's wealth, had come looking for a sea route to India when he discovered America by mistake.
15.The Baily Bridge is the highest bridge in the world. It is located in the Ladakh valley between the Dras and Suru rivers in the Himalayan mountains. It was built by the Indian Army in August 1982 .
16.Martial Arts were first created in India, and later spread to Asia by Buddhist missionaries. Yoga has its origins in India and has existed for over 5,000 years.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

7 secrets of Success.....!

Peace Of Mind!

When you were child you had a pure mind; the mind which was free from worries and anxieties. As the time passed, you were influenced by several social, personal, familial and official crises such as financial complications, broken relationship, lack of trust, joblessness, failure in business, loss of respect and so on. When the mind is stressful, the associated germs of negativity, jealousy and pessimism add fuel to fire and hence your pure mind becomes impure. These impurities if taken out can bring back the mental purity hence real spirit of joy of childhood can be attained up to an adequate level. Off course you cannot fix all of your problem at once but you can train your mind to develop the skills which can help either bypass or overcome the depressed and tragic situations so as to give you a big time relaxation while you focus on the solution to your problems. Below are some techniques which can be used to combat the peace stealing triggers:

  • Mind your own business. Yes, please mind your own business. When you start being concerned about things which are not related to you, you lose your grip on your thought process which often results in negativity disturbing the mental peace. Basically, your mind starts wandering here and there. As you know that a non-focused mind is evils workshop hence the germs of negativity and jealousy gain more strength. So next time an unnecessary thought comes to your mind, think whether this is really something you should be worrying for? If not, shun it right away and focus on something positive, practical and fruitful.

  • Surround yourself in positive people. Ignore negative comments and stay away from negative souls. When someone is negative, he spreads negativity and you get affected. Permanently staying with such people will have long term impact on your character so think about your company.

  • Dont think about others too much. Remember the great quote: small minds discuss people; Average minds discuss events; Higher minds discuss ideas and Great minds act in silence. Dont allow your brain to compare yourself to others as this is an insult to yourself. Dont be Jealous; its a heart killing disease, get rid of it as soon as possible. When you are jealous you focus on finding faults in others even if they don't have. This poisons your soul and steals the mental peace.

  • You cant keep everyone happy. Dont be over sensitive. Be natural and genuine in what you do. Be positive, constructive and ethical in your deeds and then dont really care too much about others. Be aware, dont apply this formula to too closed relations. Develop trust to establish powerful relationships.

  • Control your mood swings as it is an indication of unstable personality. Do it by not being over sensitive to others. Stop being reactive and implosive. Stay calm.

  • Ignore your thoughts about being unlucky. Bad luck happens to everyone. Its not your fault at all. Time whether good or bad, passes quickly. Develop the power of not looking back into your past. Believe in the power of Now. Believe in your skills. Work hard and have faith in God; you will get what you have been entitled for. Be patient and see what God has planned for you. Patience and consistency in your deeds is the key to success.

  • Simplicity in your character and living style can overcome the stress and improve your happiness index. Dont be socially sensitive and start following every single trend your social circle is following.

With these recommendations, I believe you can bring major changes in your life style hence attain back your mental peace. What are your recommendations in gaining mental peace?

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Thoughts on day to day endeavors

 Worth remembering

NEVER share your secrets with ANYONE…
This can be self-destructive.

NEVER tell your problems to ANYONE…
20% don’t care, and
80% are glad that you have them !!

Life is similar to Boxing game..
Defeat is NOT declared when you fall down;
It is declared when you refuse to‘Get Up’!

Always WRONG persons teach the RIGHT lessons in Life!

Everything is valuable only at 2 times:
1. Before getting it; and
2. After losing it !!

Two things bring happiness & success in life:
1. The way you MANAGE when you have nothing, and
2. The way you BEHAVE when you have everything !

Two places are MOST VALUABLE in the world:
1. The NICEST place is to be in someone’s Thoughts, and
2. The SAFEST place is to be in someone’s Prayers.

One of the greatest victories you can gain over someone is to beat him at politeness.

Faith is taking the 1st step, even when you don’t see the whole staircase.

Keep your face to the Sun,And you will not see the shadow!

A Deaf child says: “For all of you, I am deaf;
But for me, all of you are dumb…”
Moral: Life differs in each perspective. Live the way you want to.

It is always good to check once in a while,And make sure that
You haven’t lost the things that money cannot buy..!!

Attitude at its best:My BACK is not a VOICE MAIL..Kindly say on my FACE.

Ego is the only requirement to destroy any relationship.Be a bigger person; skip the “E”, and let it “go”..!!

One good thing about Egoists:They don’t talk about other people!

What is SUCCESS?
It is when your photos are uploaded on GOOGLE,
Instead of FACEBOOK..!!

Do you know why God didn’t give us the gift to read others’ minds?
So that,We could have the chance to “TRUST”,And privilege to be “TRUSTED”!

As long as we don’t forgive people who have hurt us,They occupy a RENT-FREE SPACE IN OUR MIND!

Always keep hoping for good.Keep a green tree in your heart.The singing birds will automatically come..!

God always likes to know again and again what you want…It is not that He forgets your Dreams& Prayers;But He loves to check your passion towards your desire..!

We have solutions to all the problems,When they are not ours !!!

I asked God: “If everything is already written in Destiny, then WHY should I pray?”God smiled and said: “I have also written- CONDITIONS APPLY…”!!!

Empty pockets teach millions of things in life…But full pockets spoil us in million ways !!!

No one in the world is afraid to speak the truth.Everybody is afraid to face the consequences after the truth is told!

Getting angry is punishing yourself for the mistakes of others!

Trust is like a STICKER.
Once it is removed, it may stick again,
But NOT as strong as it holds when you first applied it..!Always take care of relations.

Everything about the future is uncertain,But one thing is sure:
God has already arranged all our tomorrows…We just have to TRUST HIM TODAY !!

NEVER win people with Arguments, rather defeat with your Smile!
Because people who always wish to Argue with you, cannot bear your Silence !!!

The search for happiness is one of the main source of unhappiness.

Diplomacy is an art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that
they tend to ask you for directions..!!

If a drop of water falls on a Lake, its identity is lost;If it falls on Lotus leaf, it shines like a Pearl.Drop is the same; but the company matters.

Our HOPES should be like Hair & Nails.No matter how many times they get cut,But they never stop growing.

“F-E-A-R” has two meanings:
1. Forget Everything And Run…
2. Face Everything And Rejoice..!Choice is ours..!!

If you walk the way guided by humans, you will find hopeless end;
& if you walk the way guided by God, you will find endless hope.

Memories are always special…Sometimes we laugh by remembering the days we cried;And we cry by remembering the days we laughed…!!!
That’s Life!

Sea is common for all…Some take pearls,Some take fishes,
Some come out just with just wet legs!
World is common to all; what we get, is whet we try for!

To smile without condition,
To walk without intention,
To give without reason, &
To care without expectation,
Are the beauties of any Relation!

Life is very complicated…When you have standards, people call it ATTITUDE;When you are simple, people try to CHEAT you; &
When you cheat others, people call you SMART!

All communication problems are because,We don’t listen to understand;

We listen to reply…!!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

5 Simple Ways to Increase Your Intelligence

Your brain needs exercise just like a muscle. If you use it often and in the right ways, you will become a more skilled thinker and increase your ability to focus. Here are 5 simple techniques to exercise your brain.

Minimize Television Watching
-- Watching television doesn't use your mental capacity OR allow it to recharge. When you feel like relaxing, try reading a book instead. If you're too tired, listen to some music. When you're with your friends or family, leave the tube off and have a conversation.

-- Time spent exercising always leads to greater learning because it improves productivity during the time afterwards. Using your body clears your head and creates a wave of energy.

Read Challenging Books
-- If you want to improve your thinking and writing ability you should read books that make you focus. Reading a classic novel can change your view of the world and will make you think in more precise, elegant English.

Early to Bed, Early to Rise
-- Nothing makes it harder to concentrate than sleep deprivation. You'll be most rejuvenated if you go to bed early and don't sleep more than 8 hours.

Take Time to Reflect
-- Spending some time alone in reflection gives you a chance organize your thoughts and prioritize your responsibilities. Afterwards, you'll have a better understanding of what's important and what isn't

Top10 Most Common Regrets in Life

The life we live is the legacy we leave behind. Everyday counts for something, and every relationship has meaning. No one wants to live in mediocrity, with their dreams and aspirations deteriorating behind the façade of a day to day rat race. At the end of life, many people express regrets, wishing for a second chance to get it right. In reality, there is no second chance; we have to get it right the first time. These are the top ten regrets most likely to change the course of someone’s life.

1.Never Resolving a Conflict

The number one regret a person can have is not resolving a conflict. Countless funerals are full of regretful friends and family that never got the chance to right a wrong. Bitterness can sour a lifetime of memories, wedging itself in between relationships and people that love each other. Don’t let anger last a lifetime.

2.Not Spending Enough Family Time
For many people sending their kids off to college, or watching them get married can conjure thoughts of times growing up as a young family. Often work can come in the way of family time, resulting in distance between husbands, wives and children. Inserting a family day into a weekly schedule and making time for family vacations each year can prevent a person from having such a strong regret.

3.Not Landing a Dream Job
Going to college for years and getting a degree leads a person to begin seeking work in the field of their dreams. However, often employers are not hiring in limited fields, leaving post grads to find work in other occupations. What starts out as temporary can become permanent, with salaries and benefits luring employees into a lifelong commitment to a single company. While the money may be great, a job can feel like a rut if it isn’t the job you longed for.

4.Not Saving Enough Money
For many people in their twenties or thirties, retirement seems like a distant future, not an impending reality. They may choose to defer retirement savings into other purchases for immediate gratification. This can turn into a disaster during the golden years, when money can often be tight. This is an easy regret to avoid by setting up automated investments into an IRA throughout the working years.

5.Not Having Children
Children are often viewed as distractions or inconveniences, getting in the way of careers and personal goals. Though it may seem like a good idea to not have kids, the choice can leave a person very lonely as they begin to age. It is a natural human desire to wish to leave a heritage with descendents, so be careful in choosing to put off having children.

6.Never Taking up a Sport or Hobby
Countless little boys spend their youth community sports, dreaming of one day playing for a professional league. Though not everyone has what it takes to be a professional, there are other ways to incorporate a passion for sports or other hobbies such as learning to play an instrument, or taking on a second language.

7.Never Telling Someone You Love Them
There is nothing like going to the grave, remembering “the one that got away.” Sometimes it can be hard to express true feelings for someone if the outcome could mean rejection. However, holding it all inside will leave heart aching for closure. It is better to share your heart with a loved one, rather than miss out on a chance at happiness.

8.Never Traveling
Growing up, most people dream of visiting an exotic island, backpacking through Europe, experiencing the Great Wall of China, or finding love in the city of Paris. Travel is a healthy ambition that creates memories to last a lifetime. Failing to travel to a dream destination can leave a lifetime of regrets. Don’t let financial circumstances or life events keep you from visiting the places that you love.

9.Never Getting a Degree
A small percentage of people successfully graduate high school, go to college, and acquire the degree that they set out for. Life circumstances can get in the way, with some students quitting college to get married, have children or go to work, never returning to school. For people who take pride in education and intelligence, having a degree is proof of their capabilities and accomplishment. It is never too late to go back to school and get the degree you always wanted.

10.Never Buying the dream home
Everyone has an idea of the perfect home in the perfect location. Maybe it’s a luxurious Manhattan apartment full of chic and modern furnishings. Or perhaps it’s a three story beach house overlooking the Pacific with a mountainous backdrop and scenic views. Settling for a suburban track home may be less than the expectations of an average American. One of the biggest regrets a person can have is not raising a family in the dream location they once desired

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Beautiful Word!

Someone has written these beautiful words. Must read and try to understand the deep meaning of it. They are like the ten commandments to follow in life all the time.

1] Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out when in trouble, but it is a "steering wheel" that directs the right path throughout.

So why a Car's WINDSHIELD is so large & the Rear view Mirror is so small? Because our PAST is not as important as our FUTURE. So, Look Ahead and Move on.


Friendship is like a BOOK. It takes few seconds to burn, but it takes years to write.


 All things in life are temporary. If going well, enjoy it, they will not last forever. If going wrong, don't worry, they can't last long either.


 Old Friends are Gold! New Friends are Diamond! If you get a Diamond, don't forget the Gold! Because to hold a Diamond, you always need a Base of Gold!


Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, GOD smiles from above and says, "Relax, sweetheart, it's just a bend, not the end!


When GOD solves your problems, you have faith in HIS abilities; when GOD doesn't solve your problems HE has faith in your abilities.


A blind person asked St. Anthony: "Can there be anything worse than losing eye sight?" He replied: "Yes, losing your vision!"


When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them, and sometimes, when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed for you.


WORRYING does not take away tomorrow's TROUBLES, it takes away today's PEACE.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Spreading False Information,gossiping and backbiting about others

Spreading False Information,gossiping and backbiting about others
This makes me sad when I see people gossiping and backbiting about others. It even hurts when they give extreme remarks about someones character. Sometimes they give comments about someone with whom they havent even worked closely. Such people posses a polluted thought process and when they do gossips they pollute the brains around them. They spread negativity and false information most of the time. I wonder why they have such a weak criteria of judging others and they have such a lose tongue which does the character assassination all day long. My question to such people is that do they have the courage to say the same remarks in front of the person? If not, then most likely their perception and their judgment is on false grounds so they should abstain from such garbage talks and negative criticism.

Quite often I hear weak remarks. Just to give an example, recently I heard someone saying quite seriously that a specific VP in his company has nothing to do now a days and still making millions. What? Why a VP would need to inform you if he is working on something or not? If you have observed him having fun time for a short span of time, does this mean he is free all day long? Do you spend 8 hours dailysitting next tohim and observe every single thing he does? My friend, this is really unfair to give conclusive remarks about someones personality or character unless you have lived with them, being part of their laughter and despairs or worked very closely with him/her.

And by the way, in this example, what if the VP has concluded that you are not working now a days? Then you would respond that how come a VP can say something about me. So my question to you is that how come you said this about him?

As a matter of fact, if youare negative, you are spreading negativity too. On the contrary if you are an all-positive personality you are generating the ripples of peace and happiness in society. Hence I urge you not to waste your precious energies and time on gossips, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energies in the positive present moment and do constructive activities and act like a responsible professional, a dutiful citizen and a nice family member

The Top 10 Greatest College Dropouts

Everyone has probably been told by their parents that if they want a successful and lucrative career then they must go to and graduate from college or university. For most, this does seem to be a truthful statement but there are many people out there who prove this very theory wrong in the most spectacular ways. Here we take a look at the most successful and the most wealthy college dropouts ever. Who says you need a college education to succeed? these guys and gals prove no one does.

1.Tiger Woods. In a world where prodigious sports talents tend to forgo higher education altogether for the pros, Tiger Woods chose to continue playing amateur golf at Stanford University as an economics major. Perhaps it was in Econ 101 that he learned the term "opportunity cost," because his time at Stanford was not long. After two years there, Woods turned pro with his "Hello world" announcement, officially ending his collegiate career. He would go on to become one of the highest paid athletes in the world, earning more than $100 million annually at the height of his career. How's that for economics?

2.Before she was a Gaga, she was a Germanotta. Born Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, the artist better known as Lady Gaga attended New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, but dropped out after just a year to pursue her music career full time. She broke onto the New York club scene with her burlesque performances and was signed to Interscope Records by the age of 20. Her 2008 debut album, The Fame, has had the world going gaga for Gaga ever since.

3.Apparently a college degree isn't a prerequisite for flying the Millennium Falcon. Harrison Ford, of Star Wars and Indiana Jones fame, majored in philosophy at Ripon College, but dropped out shortly before graduation. He subsequently landed several small parts in Hollywood productions, but unhappy with such minor roles, turned to a career in professional carpentry instead. Almost ten years later, he would co-star in George Lucas' 1973 graduation night comedy American Graffiti and subsequently joined Lucas in a galaxy far, far away in the 1977 blockbuster Star Wars.

4.TIME has called Tom Hanks America's chronicler in chief; Sacramento State can call him their most famous dropout. The storied actor left college to intern full time at the Great Lakes Theater Festival in Cleveland, Ohio. There, he learned various aspects of theater from lighting to set design, laying the foundation for his Hollywood career as movie star, producer, director and writer. Not one to forget his own past, in 2009 Hanks helped fund-raise money to help renovate the Cleveland theater where he got his start.

5.Most college students use their dorm rooms to sleep, study, or do things their parents probably don't want to know about. Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook in his. Originally meant only for Harvard students, the popular social networking site quickly spread to the rest of the Ivies and other colleges across the nation. As Facebook's popularity exploded, Zuckerberg packed up his bags and relocated the fledgling company to Palo Alto, California, forever leaving behind Harvard's hallowed halls. So far, the decision has worked out pretty well for the twenty-something. According to Forbes, Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in the world, with a 2010 net worth of $4 billion.

6.The Academy Award-winning director followed a circuitous route to Hollywood. Born and raised in Canada, he and his family moved to Brea, California in 1971. It was there that the young Cameron enrolled in Fullerton College to study physics. His academic life did not last long. He would drop out, marry a waitress and eventually become a truck driver for the local school district. It was not until he saw Star Wars in 1977 that Cameron would trade his blue collar career for one creating some of the late 20th-century's most stunning (and expensive) science-fiction movies.

7.uckminster Fuller — architect, thinker, inventor, futurist, college dropout. Expelled from Harvard not once, but twice, Fuller's post-dropout period was anything but successful. He suffered a string of bad business ventures and years of anguish following his daughter's death. While Fuller could have settled for a less than extraordinary life — he even contemplated suicide — he refused to buck to the bevy of bad breaks. At the age of 32, Fuller set out on a one man quest to change the world for the better. His unorthodox ideas such as the dymaxion (a portmanteau of dynamic maximum tension) house and dymaxion car captivated the nation, while his iconic geodesic domes would bring him international fame and recognition.

8.America's most celebrated architect spent more time designing colleges than attending them. Frank Lloyd Wright was admitted to the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1886, but left after only one year. He would move to Chicago and eventually apprentice under Louis Sullivan, the "father of modernism." By the time of his passing, Wright's resume included more than 500 works, most famous of which are Fallingwater and New York City's Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.

9.The Mac, the iPod, heck, even Buzz Lightyear probably wouldn't have existed had Steve Jobs stayed in school. The future wizard of One Infinite Loop dropped out of Reed College after just six months because of the undue financial strain it placed on his working-class parents' savings. He would go on to eventually found Apple, NeXT Computer and Pixar, becoming an instrumental force in shaping the landscape of modern culture. However, his brief tenure in academia was not for naught. In a 2005 commencement speech he gave at Stanford University, Jobs credited a calligraphy class he took at Reed College with forming the basis for the typography used in the first Macintosh computer.

10.The Harvard Crimson called him "Harvard's most successful dropout" — the rest of the world just calls him ridiculously rich. For more than a decade, Bill Gates has been one of the wealthiest, if not the wealthiest, men in the world. The son of an attorney and a schoolteacher, Gates entered Harvard in the fall of 1973, only to drop out two years later to found Microsoft with childhood friend Paul Allen. In 2007, more than thirty years after he left Harvard, the co-founder of Microsoft would finally receive his degree (an honorary doctorate) from his alma mater. At the commencement, Gates said, "I'm a bad influence. That's why I was invited to speak at your graduation. If I had spoken at your orientation, fewer of you might be here today."

Your Thoughts, Your Words, Your Life

Your words, your dreams, and your thoughts havethe
power to create conditions in your life.
What you speak about, you can bring about.

If you keep saying you can't stand your job,
you might lose your job.

If you keep saying you can't stand your body,
your body can become sick.

If you keep saying you can't stand your car,
your car could be stolen or just stop operating.

If you keep saying you're always broke, guess what?
You'll always be broke.

If you keep saying you can't trust a man or trust a woman,
you will always find someone in your life to hurt and betray you.

If you keep saying you can't find a job,
you will remain unemployed.
If you keep saying you can't find someone
to love you or believe in you,
our very thoughts will attract more
experiences to confirm your beliefs.

Turn your thoughts and conversations around to be more positive
and power packed with faith, hope, love and action.

Don't be afraid to believe that you can
have what you want and deserve.

Watch your "Thoughts,"
they become words;

Watch your "Words,"
they become actions;

Watch your "Actions,"
they become habits;

Watch your "Habits,"
Theybecome character;

Watch your "Character",
for it becomes your "Destiny"