Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Spreading False Information,gossiping and backbiting about others

Spreading False Information,gossiping and backbiting about others
This makes me sad when I see people gossiping and backbiting about others. It even hurts when they give extreme remarks about someones character. Sometimes they give comments about someone with whom they havent even worked closely. Such people posses a polluted thought process and when they do gossips they pollute the brains around them. They spread negativity and false information most of the time. I wonder why they have such a weak criteria of judging others and they have such a lose tongue which does the character assassination all day long. My question to such people is that do they have the courage to say the same remarks in front of the person? If not, then most likely their perception and their judgment is on false grounds so they should abstain from such garbage talks and negative criticism.

Quite often I hear weak remarks. Just to give an example, recently I heard someone saying quite seriously that a specific VP in his company has nothing to do now a days and still making millions. What? Why a VP would need to inform you if he is working on something or not? If you have observed him having fun time for a short span of time, does this mean he is free all day long? Do you spend 8 hours dailysitting next tohim and observe every single thing he does? My friend, this is really unfair to give conclusive remarks about someones personality or character unless you have lived with them, being part of their laughter and despairs or worked very closely with him/her.

And by the way, in this example, what if the VP has concluded that you are not working now a days? Then you would respond that how come a VP can say something about me. So my question to you is that how come you said this about him?

As a matter of fact, if youare negative, you are spreading negativity too. On the contrary if you are an all-positive personality you are generating the ripples of peace and happiness in society. Hence I urge you not to waste your precious energies and time on gossips, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energies in the positive present moment and do constructive activities and act like a responsible professional, a dutiful citizen and a nice family member

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